On freight exchange platforms you send a request and wait for offers – with us, you’ll get an answer straight away
Our prices are uncomplicated and straight-forward. Our focus is on you, our customer, and simplyfying the transport process to make it as smooth as possible. You calculate the price, we do the rest.
We are not a freight exchange platform
An online freight exchange platform allows haulage companies, logistics providers, freight forwarders and transport companies to offer and match up their services with potential customers. Not an easy exercise for the customer, who then needs to:
- Identify relevant services providers
- Send out requests for quotes
- Wait for & follow up on getting responses
- Send further enquiries about rates & solutions
- Analyse & compare responses
- Make a final decision
- Hope for the best…
It’s a tedious process – and totally unnecessary. Which is where we come in.
With us you do not have to request a quote and wait for us to send you hundreds of offers to sift through and evaulate. transportable will provide you with a single, non-binding offer* for your shipment in just three steps.
We simplify the process of calculating logistics costs – freight exchange platforms just complicate things
For many, logistics seems complicated and non-transparent. Complicated because it involves many different crossing points, communication partners and legal rules and regulations which need to be followed. Non-transparent because it is often difficult to understand the breakdown of costs. What’s more, many logisticians often struggle to construct clear offers – when all you want is to get your product/cargo/parcel from A to B.
Which is why we’ve decided to take these challenges and to simplify them for you. We’ve therefore formulated these two sentences which we feel act as guidelines for us:
Lean back, we’ll take care of everything!
One price*, after 3 simple steps – it doesn’t get much easier than that.
As a logistics service provider and transporter, we are optimally positioned to carry out your shipment for you – no matter from where to where, no matter when and no matter what.
*Our Terms and Conditions apply.
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